UNStudio - Patrick Noomé

// wywiad opublikowany 15.09.2011

UNITED NETWORK STUDIO- UNStudio, based in Europe and Asia, Amsterdam and Shanghai, coherently interwinds correlative domains of design. Patrik Noomé, Model Room Manager, introduces us to the worldclass maquettes.

High technologies are developing extremly fast. Is there anything that would surprise us? Of course there is! Parametricism, laser cutting, 3d printing are yours everyday tools.

  • Thank you for answering the question.

Witch method is a prodigy for you? Which in your opinion will have the primary importance in the future?

  • I think 3D printing will continue to improve in terms of speed, detail and diversity of materials.

And on the other hand, do you think that any of them leads to nowhere?

  • I’ve seen tests with holograms and I’m not convinced. I think the most important part of the equation is tangibility.

Once upon a time people had marvellous imaginations about the next century. As we could see their expectations were far away from the truth. (video) The only limit of our imagination are tools and other down-to-earth, materialistic issues.

What are yours predictions about the future of model making?Do you have an idea about extra, superfly, undeveloped-yet tool?

  • I think there will be parallel developments - for example with 3D projections and probably eventually flexible screens. They will compliment model making, but I don’t think will ever replace it.

Have you ever had an situation that parametric pattern for instance, made by accident, was later realized in architecture?

  • Everything here is studied and calculated to such an degree that accidents can be ruled out. Inspiration of course can come from anywhere!

Bow and curved structures- how do you manage with them?

  • Depends on what volume the structure has. Sometimes we melt plastics, other times we use metals…

Even not a cut above project looks exquisitely with light animations. Pure white or colourful simulations- are they helpful?

  • Are you talking about projections? Presentations work when elements together form a whole. Colour can be very powerful, but should be used effectively and for a good reason.

How does your studio of maquettes look like?

  • We have a few spaces we can use for various tasks from CNC milling to 3D printing, but also make space for simple things like paper and foam cutting too.

How many people work with you?

  • We have over a hundred architects working with us, but in the model room there is generally 4 or 5 people working. If we have a lot of projects running parallel of course we can accomdoate more.

Do you make many models- from the small, ‘spacial sketches’ to big, stunning ones?

  • We make all sorts of models here, but the ones that are probably the most interesting are the less professional ones the designers make themselves. Often in the early stages it is the exploratory sketch models that shape and often explain the final designs.

From many of your experiences, could you tell us about young architects and students- do they have big knowledge about model making?

  • A lot of the architects appreciate the value of a physical representation, but there are some that want to stay locked in virtual representations. There seems to be a genuine fear of having to create something outside of the computer. I suspect it has something to do with the lack of control and the absense of an undo button.

As an international office you must have worked with people of different nationalities.

  • Terrific - the more the merrier. Makes for a very interesting work space!

At some universities students work mostly with maquettes, at others just with visualizations. Does it make any difference?

  • The studies will of course have some influence - but people are also thankfully different. We provide facilities and resources for designers to be creative and come up with the best ideas any way they can.

Do you imagine yourself working with 3d?

  • I can’t imagine working without it!

The last question- would you mind breaking the silence and giving away some of model- master magical tricks or advices?

  • Come spend an internship at UNStudio and I’ll tell you everything :)


BudCud - Agata Wozniczka, Mateusz Adamczyk